Welcome to the September update!!
This month brought messages that, well, frankly, surprised me! Although we’ve been seeing the healing journey of the divine masculine pick up speed this year, I wasn’t expecting what came through.
Let’s get into it, shall we?
The main theme is simple.
September energy is bringing a big opportunity for men to step into healing.
And let me be clear, when I say “men,” I mean anyone who resonates with being a more masculine expression in this life, no matter what your vessel looks like. For ease of communication, I will just say “men” and “women” here where appropriate. Okay? Okay.
Women (or anyone who identifies as a more feminine energy) have been going through the Dark Night of the Soul hot and heavy for the past few years. This month brings a profound opportunity for the men to step into their healing, meet those deeper parts of themselves and ask the deeper questions.
This could be challenging.
Men are already most likely questioning things, as this energy has been coming for the last 6 months or more. There has definitely been an uptick in men looking deeper, expanding their intuition, and diving into their healing. The women on this Ascension path are coming out the other side of their own deeper healing process, and are now in a resolution energy. Things are beginning to fall into place for them after years of hard work, and now the men are entering the healing space.
Remember, this is all by design. Everything starts with the feminine, even birth.
There is a beautiful cleansing happening now, a purification. As this is happening, it will start to harmonize within ALL OF US. Growth occurs within each individual first, and then resonates throughout humanity, showing up in big ways in our reality. This month, we will begin to see external balancing wherever there was imbalance before, primarily between the masculine and feminine in the world.
When I turned to the cards for more guidance, I pulled “The Dream of Co-creation: Manifestation, Divine Partnership and Frequency Alignment.” I mean, perfect, right? What great confirmation for this masculine and feminine harmonization on the horizon.
There is a process of EXPANSION available to the men now, and this process, as the women well know, can be messy as the old paradigm breaks down. Anywhere men are clinging to the status quo through old beliefs, career paths, relationships, ways of being, philosophies, through anything that is no longer serving them, will become impossible to hold onto now. These misalignments are coming to the light to be looked at and sorted for the higher consciousness of co-creation through divine partnership to anchor itself. The result of the harmonization of these energies will bring a beautiful balancing of the masculine and feminine in the entire collective, within and without.
How does it work, the internal rippling out to the external? Great question! Individual internal healing creates a grid for others to plug into. It opens up the energy for anyone to access, and, if they choose, to match that frequency.
What’s the catch, you ask? Well, if you’re reading this, you likely know the answer. You have to be ready to release anything that is not in alignment with that new frequency, and that can be a painful process. But it is so, SO worth the result. The template is being provided to expand by those who have already chosen the path of Divine Union within themselves.
Now, this is the part that surprised me. I saw a door, barely cracked open, a sliver of light shining through. That made sense, as that’s what I’ve been seeing for the men all year, and I knew the door was opening more, but then, September hit, and BAM! The door has been flung open all the way! The men are invited to rise and release what is no longer in alignment, and it is POTENT.
So if you are a woman, the men in your life are feeling this.
If you are a man then you are at the forefront of this healing, leading other men through. It’s a beautiful time of introspection, healing and acceptance of all of the parts of you.
The next messages that came through were around regeneration, rebirth, and positive outcome. This came through for my beautiful soul sisters, the women on this expansive journey. Ladies, get ready, because WINTER IS OVER. We’ve done the work, we’ve come into divine union within, we’ve embodied our highest timeline, and are stepping into fully actualized versions of ourselves! We are in the REBIRTH energy now after this deep, deep healing space we’ve been through these past few years.
It’s time to reap the rewards this month.
Now is the time of expression. You should start feeling an increase in energy, a higher vibration, more creative flow, and just feeling better wellness and vitality overall. This will allow you to come out of the darkness of the deep healing journey, gain more clarity, and move forward with projects that you might have put off for a while.
You will also begin to SHARE the knowledge and wisdom you received from this profound vision quest you’ve been on, if you’re not already. For the divine feminine, September asks you to look at what you’ve brought back with you from your journey, and explore a creative expression to share it with the world!
The next message that came through was “Lost Love: Surrender, Healing and Release.”
Lost love could relate to any relationships with friends, family, even your relationship with your job or career. It speaks to an energy of things that are no longer in alignment needing to be released. Because this is coming up a second time, this is a big theme for September. Endings are necessary and bring new beginnings. On the other side of this is a beautiful opening. Let yourself grieve the loss of what is no longer serving you, allow yourself to FEEL the shift and all of the emotions that come with it.
Sometimes things that are too low of a frequency cannot go to the next frequency with you, but nothing is ever truly lost. Energy doesn’t die, it only transforms. Everything is always a part of you.
I asked the Angels for another message for the men, and received “Illumination.”
This goes perfectly with all the other guidance for September. The women leading the way have received this benefit as a result of the deep healing we’ve committed to. The reward has been the realization on the other side of it, the illumination. The men are traveling this path now.
The next message was “Conflict Resolution!” If that doesn’t say EVERYTHING right there!
Notice what’s happening in the world. Many are taking sides, some say blame everything on the patriarchy, and others say blame the feminists. The fact is the patriarchy has been around much, much longer, but also, there are aspects of the feminist movement makes it more difficult for women to choose the paths that are best for them.
I am so grateful for the positive changes feminism has brought about, it has been a hard-won journey in just the last 100 years for women to vote (can you believe that happened so recently!) to own property, etc., have equal opportunities & equal pay. I am eternally grateful to the women who came before me to fight these battles.
In certain ways I do believe that movement swung the pendulum so far the other way so that women got shoved into some boxes and it became a “bad thing” to choose to be a stay-at-home mom, for example, and not choose the career-driven path. It has made some women feel shame around choosing it, even if it feels right for them. I bring this up because I would have loved the stay-at-home mom path, but the way I was raised, my conditioning told me that I needed to have a successful career and all the outward things that came with it.
There is a balance of these energies coming in. It’s not about who’s better. It’s about equality, celebrating each other's strengths and allowing divine union for each person within themselves, whatever their perfect balance is. We want a world where everyone can express the physical experience that makes them happy, whether that is a high-profile career, raising children at home, or anything in between. It’s time to heal the extremes, practice acceptance and release judgment for other people choosing what is best for them.
There is also a deep, deep energy of lack of worthiness coming to light with both the masculine and feminine. Both have desired to be accepted, loved, seen and supported, but because of our own skewed perceptions of ourselves, we convinced ourselves that just supporting and loving someone wasn’t enough. We decided everything had to be “more,” and we lost ourselves in it. But it’s truly about the simplicity. The masculine and feminine IN UNION provide support and safety for one another in perfect symbiosis to bring everyone to their higher purpose. It was our own lack of self-worth that created this reality, and this is why we haven’t been able to get our needs met from others.
These energies are bringing the push to truly meet ourselves emotionally, intellectually, physically, and energetically, so that we can meet each other in these places. The benefit of this healing will be huge as it creates compassion for one another, and allows resolution through this higher consciousness. We have to be grateful for the extremes, though, because they teach us what polarity is like, within and without, and once we know what it feels like to be out of harmony, when we come back to harmony, we can truly surrender to it.
We will always reach back for harmony and WHOLENESS. We can fragment ourselves into a million pieces, but ultimately, we desire to come back to wholeness, to divine love and harmony with a deeper understanding and compassion for one another. This is the journey.
The next card that came out was “Dark Moon: Maturation, Growing Up, Introspection, Know Thyself.”
This card gave me the chills! This is that opportunity I spoke about for the depth we crave. When we are met in deep emotion, internally and externally, all these things become possible. It makes me think of the movie, “Avatar,” and the scene where the Na’vi woman, Neytiri, says to the love of her life, “I see you.” That is this. We will begin to SEE ourselves and each other.
Think of the debacle we’re in now on the planet. Men and women have not been able to truly see each other. But it starts with seeing ourselves, the deep maturation of ACCEPTANCE of all of ourselves, and the resolution that comes from that. This is happening big time for the men this month.
I then drew the card, “The Masks We Wear: Self-expression, Protection, Authentic Self,” and it was #33! This is the ascended master number, the MASTER OF THE DIVINE MASCULINE.
Any mask you’ve been hiding behind is coming to an end.
The Authentic Self is the highest expression.
Authenticity is what people crave with themselves and others now more than anything.
It’s time to let go of hiding your true-self or subduing your talents because you’re afraid you’ll outshine someone else. It’s time to release the fear of not being good enough, of not wanting others to see your pain. It’s time to start showing up just as you are, in your emotions, being seen as you are, with your scars, stories, imperfections, talents and gifts. This is the piece we’ve been missing.
September energy will no longer allow these masks! Those who are already rocking this frequency of authenticity are going to benefit the most from this phase, and those who are still hiding behind masks are going to have a difficult time. The masks will be seen now, and people will know that you aren't in your fullest expression. There’s no hiding it anymore.
If you want to make the most of these energies, look at where you’re still hiding, and drop the mask once and for all! Those in their highest expression will receive the success they desire, new and beautiful relationships will bloom and elevate, and manifestations will flow.
We’re also being urged to look at where we’re still falling into toxic positivity. Are you pretending everything is great when it’s not? Are you stuck in a place of doing things out of convenience? Are you pretending to be interested in someone or something that is no longer feeling aligned?
When you drop a mask around, let’s say, your career, you can elevate that piece of your life into authenticity. And you can do this for any part of your life. Look at one thing at a time, and you will eventually elevate your entire life into your highest expression!
Authenticity is where everything is harmonized.
Imagine, when no one is wearing a mask, we can all meet each other in our highest expressions, our true authentic selves all the time! We get to be free to be us, in the highest good of all! Won’t that be a beautiful reality to live in!
This is a powerful place to be! Authenticity is the highest frequency we can attain as humans.
I asked for one more message to wrap up this incredible month, and I received, “Listening to the Ancestors: Inherited Patterns, Traditions, Integrated Wisdom vs Knowledge.”
This is about releasing all of the conditioning, the things you've been taught to believe, and tapping into that inner wisdom that you simply ARE, and have remembered over many lifetimes. When you can let go of the limited human knowledge and tap into this wisdom and your authenticity at the same time, nothing can stop you. You are on FIRE!
That wraps up the energy for September! Whew! It’s a biggie!
The Divine Feminine will be holding space for the Divine Masculine to traverse this journey of illumination, while we move forward on our external missions in a big way, and share what we’ve learned so far!
We have all got this!
I want to take a moment to speak directly to the Goddesses in the room.
Goddesses, mark your calendars because I’m offering a FREE masterclass you won’t want to miss!
I’m bringing back my most popular workshop for women — now under the same title as my book — and you’re invited!
Join me on Tuesday, September 24th at 5:30 PM MST for the:
"Creation Codes: Rise of the Goddess Masterclass."
In this transformative workshop you will:
Activate your divine feminine soul gifts to deeply trust your intuition, unlock your priestess wisdom from past lives, and uplevel your healing abilities.
Restore your sacred feminine blueprint through the Magdalene Rose Codes Activation, leaving you feeling radiant, sensual, and energized with life force.
Open a portal for powerful manifestation so you can receive all that you desire by activating your inner receiving channels.
Release blocks the that keep you from fully embodying your divine feminine essence.
Receive powerful DNA activations and upgrades.
This is a sacred event to step into your Goddess energy. I can’t wait to share this space with you!
You won't want to miss this rare opportunity to activate your inner Goddess, Magdalene Rose Codes, restore your Divine Blueprint and step into a new paradigm of higher love and inner Divine Union.
Click this link for more info: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIocOutqD8rHdM3v8V9h711UPL6czNtXuWM
We can't wait to see you there!
All the Best,
Angie Kay
Divine Feminine Embodiment Activator | Law of Attraction Coach | Goddess CEO
