Welcome to your January 2025 Energy Update!
As soon as I tuned into the energy for January, my whole body began to vibrate with beautiful bubbles of JOY!
After the challenges and heaviness of 2024, this is such great news. So many of us experienced the sharp energy of completion and wrap-up this past year. It felt like having your head yanked in 16,000 directions, with 16,000 emotions all at once!
Can you say, “Whiplash?”
If I could describe 2024 in one word, that might be it. So, the instant joy I felt for January is a good sign that 2025 will bring the results of all our efforts!
Let’s get to it, shall we?
I started with my Hermetic Tarot deck and pulled “10 of Cups, Lord of Perfected Success!”
That says a lot about the joy I was feeling. Even the artwork shows cups bubbling up and flowing from one to the next, just like bubbles of joy! I get the message of breaking free, FREEDOM, momentum, and forward movement.
For me, this 10 of Cups image speaks to having a full cup of emotional authenticity and being able to share from the overflow. I think of Venus (think Aphrodite coming out of the water in a scallop shell), a very Divine Feminine energy that brings beauty, luxury, harmony, FLOW, passion, and sensuality. Get ready to have some of THAT!
The message is a gorgeous culmination of energy that allows us to be in our most aligned feminine, stepping into our mission to serve from an overflowing cup. Everything we did in 2024 has been leading us here.
And this is just January!
What a beautiful energy to move into to start the new year.
From the same deck, I pulled “The Star, The Daughter of the Firmament.” It shows a beautiful young woman pouring water from a vase into a flowing river. More flowy water, more forward movement! But it’s a gentle river, not raging, like much of 2024 might have felt to many of us.
There’s a sense of calm here but also of celebration. You’ve done it. The intense and complex healing and growing you navigated throughout 2024, and before, is paying off with this new energy of peace.
Emotions are flowing, not stuck or stagnant, but also not erratic like 2024. Our human experience requires both, but isn’t it nice to know that we’re coming into a time of more balance?
When you accept the full range of emotion, and everything you are as a human, and stop labeling emotions as negative or positive, you can really express your creative genius!
Emotion is what it takes to bring forth creation.
Even tapping into anger can be beneficial. I talk about this in my upcoming book, Goddess CEO. Tapping into ALL of your emotions, especially those we have repressed and labeled “negative,” like anger, shame, regret, and disappointment, can help you find your message.
But we tend to sweep these under the rug, because…well, who wants to feel these things?
But when you ALLOW all of the emotions available to you, it can point you in the direction of the deeper message that is meant for you to share. The key is to move out of the habit of suppressing them, which is something we’ve all been programmed to do from birth. We must allow the whole human experience—the highs and the lows—and only then can we thrive!
With all this water showing up, it makes me think of the ocean of emotions that make up our human-ness. Don’t be afraid to go for a swim in January! When you are no longer afraid of the deep parts of the ocean, you can find your message.
You see the injustice in the world, not as a victim of it anymore, but from an EMPOWERED place of “I can do this better and we can do this better!”
This can come through in your own life, in community, or industry.
When I was in the corporate world of mortgage, it was still highly unregulated before the mid-2000s. My boss at the time saw that the industry needed regulation. It was the message HE was meant to share, and when regulation happened, anyone who was not in integrity and didn’t want to take the steps to get licensed fell away. It was a housecleaning moment. It was a huge shift that was needed, and he helped bring it to fruition.
So this year is about finding your MOVEMENT.
What moves you?
Emotion is energy in motion. Allow it to move you! Allow it to point you in the right direction, to open your eyes and see where you can make a difference in the world.
I get it. You’re thinking, “But, Angie, what if I share my ideas and I’m wrong or people think I’m crazy?”
On this spiritual journey, fear can keep you from doing what you came here to do, but ultimately, this is resisting our human-ness. It’s a form of spiritual bypassing, and everyone can fall into it. Remember, you’re here to experience it ALL, even the rejection and ridicule!
When you push through the fear and share your message anyway (do it scared), you shift out of the muck of all the deep healing and heavy lessons and into sharing the wisdom you’ve gained from a more embodied place.
And when you share from that place, you see clearly how you can be better, do better, while helping others do the same. Like my former boss, you can even help an entire industry, group or community do better. In the sharing, you show people the shadows they couldn’t see, where they’re operating from total unconsciousness.
When you can share from an empowered place, no longer the victim, you won’t feel the need to defend yourself, or explain yourself, blame others, or tell someone else they’re wrong.
This elevated place allows you to shed light on these things for others, and as more and more people realize we can do better as a whole, we just…do. And you can begin to do your part to create a world that works for everyone.
Whew! That’s a lot from one little card! I’ve come to this place just recently in my own work, no longer constantly doing all the deep, DEEP shadow work, but into a place of acceptance of all of me.
Now, seeing the fullness of everything and having a more open and expanded view, I’m asking myself… “How do I serve from this place now?” Ask yourself if you’ve been serving from the highest place that you could be, or are you still trying to make the old ways work?
Consider that you’ve already accessed a higher frequency and you just need to let it come through in how you’re sharing your message. If this message sounds familiar, well, that’s because it’s come through a lot the past few months! What does that tell you?
Many of us (not pointing fingers, but…) have been ignoring the shift that needs to happen in our lives. Do you need to shift into the next level that has already been opened up for you? Do you need to fully step into a LEADERSHIP role?
Has your audience expanded, but you’ve been avoiding expanding with it?
Is it as simple as increasing your visibility on different platforms?
Is the stage you’re on suddenly too small?
Then, a bigger stage is available to you, NOW.
Let’s look at relationships in January next. I pulled a card came from Alana Fairchild’s “Lightworker Oracle” deck: “#13, Trust the Plan.” Everything is part of the Divine Plan, and happens in Divine Timing.
If you’re currently in a relationship where you're working through things, trying new ways to communicate, etc., but you don’t know where it’s going, or if it’s going to last…TRUST THE PLAN.
This doesn’t mean do nothing, but it does mean look at where you may be trying to force an old square peg into a new round hole.
Humans tend to bring the unhealed past into every single interaction, but we can set the intention to show up in a new way instead of seeing it through an old lens. It’s important to be able to see the relationship with fresh, new eyes. Focus on what you want. Hold that vision.
This life is YOUR creation, no one else’s.
What do you desire?
And is this current relationship giving you that, or at least leading you to it? A mantra that has helped me is saying to the Universe, “This or something better, in the highest good of ALL.”
Declare it every day and watch how your life transforms! Let’s focus on your life purpose and career for this next message. Right away, I was shown that many of us are going to the next level in January, expanding our stage.
Remember, you’re always building on everything you’ve done in the past. Nothing is a waste. You won’t completely burn down the things you’ve done, but YOU will be different. A year ago, I received the message to take a step back from my business. I was told to STOP.
I had upleveled but my business had not, so it was an important time of reflection for me to create the next phase. During that time, I began to rebuild old things into new ones, and create other things from scratch. It’s also when I wrote my first book.
I was NEW, and I had to bring my business into that higher frequency. Maybe you’re not an entrepreneur, but you’re leaving one job and starting another.
You’re still taking all the wisdom from the old job with you into the new, your trials and errors, successes and failures, and all of it helps you create something that aligns with your new, higher vibe!
The card I pulled says, “#7: Unplug from Mass Consciousness.” In what ways could you unplug and walk away from the noise of our technologically-connected society? In unplugging, we gain clarity through the silence, and we can receive messages on how to move forward. Let’s start easy.
Could you put your phone down for a whole day? If you’re feeling brave, the card is #7…could you unplug for seven days?
Do what feels right for you, and then be ready to receive! I shuffled Alana’s Oracle deck again, and focused on physical and emotional well-being.
Are you ready for this? I got “Unplug From Mass Consciousness” again! Can you get away? Can you travel? When you get repeat cards in a reading, it’s the Universe’s way of doubling down, of saying, “Hey. You. Take this message seriously!”
I pulled another one, and got, “#15: Grounding.” Perfection. Go out into nature, if you can. Unplug and ground to Mother Gaia. Commit to doing this for one day. Just twenty-four hours. Cleanse from social media and the internet.
As we close up 2024, and sachet into 2025 like the bosses we are, this is an ideal time to leave your phone at home and put your bare feet in the dirt. If you can’t do that last part, visualize doing it. In short, do what you can, but do something to unplug and ground, cuz the Universe ain’t playin’!
Let’s move on to Financial & Material Well-being/Wealth for this next card. I pulled two cards, one from Alana’s deck and one from Mike Dooley’s “Notes From the Universe.” Think about what you want to create in January, and beyond. More abundance, more stability, do you want to buy a house or a car?
Hold the vision of what you want. Alana gave us “#43: Sixth Ray of Devotion,” and I immediately got a message of material abundance through devotion to yourself, your craft, your next level in your career or purpose.
It speaks to a deep devotion to an idea that you haven’t been able to fully bring into reality yet. Well. It’s time. This is your cue to really commit to this, choose it, decide, nay, DECLARE that this is for you!
You might want to create something that will have a bigger impact than just your own life, an innovation that could change the world!
Maybe you’ve told a few people about it, and they discouraged you, but you couldn’t shake the idea. So, you’ve tried it, at least to some degree, in your own life, and you’re seeing results, and you know it works, so you keep sharing it.
What if your idea will elevate people, force them to evolve? How could you keep it to yourself? But fear of rejection can keep you from claiming and acting on your great ideas, so how do you move through that fear? Let’s talk about chord cutting.
There are many ways to cut chords with something that is holding you back. Something like…the immense heaviness of the mass consciousness of a planet, perhaps? Yeah. Let’s do this. Close your eyes and take three deep belly breaths. Then look with your mind’s eye where you might have chords to mass consciousness, or any chords that are ready to be cut.
Bring in a guide to help, if you want. Archangel Michael is epic in this capacity! Ask him to cut the chords with his blue flame sword, and once it’s done, you want to fill the spaces left behind with golden light.
Feel better? It’s that simple.
Once you let go of the messages that the mass consciousness wants you to see, you are able to receive the authentic messages that are truly meant for you from your higher self so you can share them from an embodied new you. Then look at what you want to devote your time to, and do it!
I once heard this story about the man who invented toilet paper. Seriously. Just go with me here. People were using corn husks and newspapers at the time as TP.
He had the innovative idea for toilet paper and he had a hard time getting his invention off the ground (at first). Then it took off suddenly in the hotel industry first.
Now, we can’t imagine a world without his innovation! He saw a problem that needed solving and he was devoted to his idea, and he didn’t give up. Whether it’s a physical product, or a program or course, create it, use it, and then tell people the results you’ve seen in your own life.
To wrap this up with the previous message, when you unplug and head out into the stillness of nature, you’ll receive clarity around your idea, whether it’s for you or not. Then, if it’s for you, carve out the time in January to make your idea a reality.
Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about the card I pulled from Mike’s deck. This is what it says: “You know, possessing fabulous wealth creates a lot of responsibilities. Enormous responsibilities. Huge. Something to think about, really. Like, for five minutes a day in a dark and quiet room. See yourself being really, really responsible with fabulous wealth. I think you’re up to it. –The Universe.”
Need I say more? I love this deck.
So, to recap, the messages for January 2025 are: Joy, Success, Flow, Venus energy, FREEDOM, Trust the Divine Plan, Unplug and Ground, Bring wisdom from previous experiences into NEW creations, Moving Forward in a NEW way!
NEW innovations, Fabulous Wealth, NEW YOU!
If you’re ready to step into 2025 and experience the magic of your Divine Feminine while uncovering your Priestess gifts, then this is your sacred invitation to join us in The Goddess Society!
✨ Unlock Your Intuitive Gifts
Discover and develop your intuitive abilities in ways you once only dreamed were possible.
✨ Embrace Your Sacred Sensuality
Feel your Divine Feminine energy and sacred sensuality awaken, allowing your powerful life force to flow freely through your body.
✨ Unleash Your Creative Potential
Tap into boundless creative energy that connects you to your highest purpose and brings massive fulfillment into your life.
✨ Shift into Financial Freedom Consciousness
Transform your experience with money, align with abundance, and open yourself to receiving the financial abundance you desire and deserve.
In January, we’ll conclude our exploration of learning to see auras and chakras. Then in February, we’ll dive into "Manifest Like a Goddess," a three-month journey where I’ll share my most powerful manifestation techniques—gleaned from over 20 years of studying the Law of Attraction!
Here’s what one of our radiant members had to say:
"My work in the Goddess Society has lit me up from the inside. It was midlife when I joined, or I guess a bit beyond. I was bored, and I knew there had to be a way to put a bit more fun, a bit more creativity, a bit more me into my life. I was searching for more fulfillment.
In the Goddess Society, I reconnected with myself. I reconnected to the feminine inside me, and I connected with women outside of me. It had been so long since I'd hung out with a group of women, at least women that I liked. These women saw the inside me, and they got me. But perhaps the most fulfilling thing was that I started to see me—my magic, the beautiful intuitive abilities I have to share."
Are you ready to feel this kind of transformation?
✨ Join The Goddess Society and step into your most empowered, abundant, and aligned self.
Have an amazing holiday season, and I’ll see you on the other side, in 2025! Happy New Year!
P.S. Stay tuned for a new "Hey Goddess!" podcast episode launching December 31st, where Wendy Lou and I tune into ALL OF 2025 and give you the low-down on what the year will bring!