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February 2025 Energy Update - The Missing Puzzle Piece

Writer's picture: Angie KayAngie Kay

Before we dive into February’s energy—where the next level of your mission unfolds, the missing puzzle pieces click into place, rebirth takes center stage, and maybe a few avoidance spirals sneak in (you will know if you are suddenly reorganizing your spice rack)—I have something truly magical to share!


This invitation is for the goddesses in the room: 


Are you ready to activate your DNA for reverse aging, connect with a sacred sisterhood, and tap into your next-level potential?


Join me for The Goddess Society: Open House! It’s happening on January 30th at 5:30 MST on Zoom—and you won’t want to miss this chance to experience powerful DNA upgrades for reverse aging (woohoo!), sacred connections, and a glimpse into what it’s like to be part of this transformational sisterhood.


“It’s time to say YES to your most radiant and vibrant future self!”


You can snag your spot for FREE for being on my email list. (event valued at $222).


Now, back to February’s energy update and all its juicy goodness…

As I tuned into the energy of this month, I immediately felt antsy. I had some trouble settling into it. It felt…uncomfortable. Then I realized what it was. 



When I tried to focus on the messages for February, I’d get distracted by something else. Suddenly I had to check a text message. My chair cushion wasn't fluffy enough etc. I thought, did my Amazon package come yet? I need to drink some water…Yikes!


So…let’s dive into what all that nonsense was, shall we?


As always, this is a general collective reading for light-leaders, so take what resonates and leave the rest.  

Don’t worry, I was able to focus and see what’s coming very clearly! And the big picture was definitely avoidance, but what does that mean? 


Let’s break it down.


Your mission is really being upgraded right now. The things you couldn’t see before, the things you’ve been asking for clarity on…remember when you were frustrated because it wasn’t coming?  

Yeah. Me too.


It wasn’t being fully revealed, you were getting bits and pieces of your mission, like this higher level timeline was being stingy and only revealing itself a little at a time. Well, this month, it’s picking up steam!


You may already be feeling it, if you’re seeing this in January. Individual components of your mission will start coming together, fitting together like a puzzle. The smaller pieces you’ve been working on, whether you realized it or not, are key elements in this bigger mission and purpose that you’re moving into. It’s a higher level. It’s a whole new world.


And because this feels so BIG, avoidance is coming in. It’s expected. 


You may find yourself saying, “This is too big!” or “Who am I to do this big thing?” “Why would Spirit choose ME?” and even…”I don’t feel ready.” 


All of these worries are understandable. This is a higher level of leadership, of commitment, and it’s taking all the expertise, knowledge and wisdom you’ve collected over the last 10-15 even 20 years, and all of the healing, the self-development, the personal and professional growth and bringing it all together. 


It couldn’t be a more perfect time to bring something expansive through!


It’s a culmination of everything you’ve been doing, and you suddenly don’t feel worthy of it.


But you’ve been PREPARING for this. Like, A LOT. I remember something around this preparation coming through in the January reading, and even before that. And people have already been telling me about big things they’re bringing through into their reality!  

What are you creating? I’d love to know! 


The important thing to keep in mind, always, is that this is NORMAL. Resistance, avoidance, it’s all part of the process. 


When you’re avoiding a scary uplevel, what happens? How do you know you’re in avoidance?  

Nothing is working like it did before. 


Right? This is how the Universe gets our attention. Because we live in the physical world, it has to shake something up, like a key relationship falling away, or something that has always worked for you suddenly not working anymore.


It may feel like things are falling apart or just stagnant.


And you may see other people still making those old things work. 


There’s a reason for that. You upleveled, and they haven’t. Yet. They will, but that’s not your concern. You are no longer on the same level as them, so the same things won’t work for you, even if you watch them gain incredible success with those things.  

Let it go. And remember, no level is better or worse than another. Everyone is where they are at.


There’s something else, something NEW for you to learn now that is going to grow and expand you, and maybe, eventually, you’ll be teaching it to others. 

It’s never about comparing your journey with someone else’s. Right before we break through to a new, higher level, we tend to hold on tighter to the things that are currently bringing us comfort, that are allowing us to feel safe, even complacent.  

We want to protect and preserve the safe place we’ve created. And many times, because of this, we resist change unless we’re forced to make it.


So 2024 was saying “let go…or the Universe will do it for you.” And now 2025 has upped the ante. 

How will you know it’s time to make a change?


Money might be tight all of a sudden, even if it was flowing before. Things just aren’t working the way they used to, and maybe (and this is a biggie), things aren’t fulfilling anymore. BAM. 

It may happen through a relationship. All of a sudden, someone you counted on, who you thought was going to be there for you, who had all the answers, suddenly disappears. (Not literally. They’re fine, they’re just not aligned with you anymore. Don’t call 911!) 


I see an image of you sitting in the middle of the tower falling down around you, and you’re trying to sweep the floor. You’re focused on something that isn’t going to do anything for you anymore, instead of the beautiful destruction of the old you that is taking place! 

This is an incredible chance to go in! So many people miss this! They only see the sorrow of what’s been lost, and not the opportunity in front of them.


Then it hit me. This is the acceptance of death.


The good news is that DEATH and REBIRTH are the same thing. One cannot happen without the other. When you focus on the death, you’ll only feel the sadness that comes with that. When you focus on the rebirth, you begin to build something new.


Great things are coming in for you! 

If you find yourself trying to make something work again, looking at it from a million different angles, exhausting yourself, take a step back. It’s changed because YOU have changed. You’ve shifted. 


Side note, be careful not to take advice from someone who is still on that old level. Their advice isn’t for you, and won’t serve you. 


Now. Back to that pesky avoidance.


Feel the discomfort of that, the resistance to this next level. It’s uncomfortable. You don’t know what it’s going to look like, except that these bigger pieces of your mission are dropping in, coming together right in front of you. Because they’ve been hidden, because the whole puzzle wasn’t there, you may not recognize what’s happening right away.


Do you feel that?


It’s like you found the other half of the puzzle box with the rest of the pieces that you put in a “safe place,” and then lost for two years! I mean, who hasn’t done that? When you find it, it’s like Christmas, the Fourth of July, and your birthday all rolled into one! Now you get to fill in the puzzle!


This is BIG energy!


Lightworkers, Lightweavers, Starseeds, whatever title floats your boat, your mission is being UPGRADED!


I see so much potential for February.


If you feel like the rug has been pulled out from under you since 2024 began (or before), you’re not alone! There was no warning! (I mean, there definitely was, but sometimes we need the piano dropped on our heads, so we’re going with it!)


For some of you reading this, it has been going on for a hot minute and you’re having trouble accepting this death process doing the same things wondering why you are not getting the results. 


I get it. 


Don’t beat yourself up. This is a new beginning, and when you can shift to that perspective, you can accept this death for what it really is…a REBIRTH. And then, you can accept your bigger mission and purpose that is ready for you to claim it now!


As I tuned into this, I felt it in my chest and solar plexus. So much moving! It feels good. It feels important. And it feels like so much wanting to be birthed through you. 



Just be aware the energy of avoidance is jumpy. If you feel like you’re all over the place, take note. You’re likely just avoiding the uplevel. But don’t fret, because I'm also seeing it’s not time to sprint out the gate with this clarity just yet. The seeds are just beginning to sprout.


Let’s pull some cards to wrap up…


From the Faery Oracle deck, I pulled “Keeper of Secrets: Use discernment, confide in a trusted friend, keep silent about knowledge.” 


Her posture is closed off, she’s got her legs scrunched up to her chest. This isn’t the time to share just yet. It’s too new. It’s like a newborn baby. You wouldn’t pass your brand new little bundle of joy around at a party. You are protective, and rightly so! This is brand new information coming through, and like a new baby, it’s the beginning of a new major phase for you. I got chills when I channeled this!  

Find trusted mentors, friends you know are going through a similar experience, or have gone through it. Find those on your level. Discernment. This is the way through this! 

The next message that came through is research! Research will be required for this next level! You may already be in the throes of learning new things, of seeking answers, because you knew what was coming on a deeper level. If you didn't like studying in school, don’t worry. This is your mission and will feed your soul to learn more about it.


The next card was “#3: Divination: breaking out and finding answers”


This feels like a riddle to figure out for sure. You’re going to get this TUG, this download, if you haven’t already, for this bigger picture, your expanded mission, and it may already be coming to the forefront of your mind. You’re ready. (I got chills again!)


Say it with me…


I’m ready!


It could be terrifying. You might want to run the other direction. You might say, “Nope. I’m not stepping into this next level.” It almost makes you feel like you’d rather go back to the very beginning. 


I’m not trying to scare you, I promise. I just want you to FEEL how big this is, but you’re so ready to step into it, it’s ridiculous. 


I’m just saying…you might even feel like you want to pack it all in and go back to the beginning of your journey and work in a sandwich shop or something.


Don’t worry. You won’t. You’ll just want to! ;-)


I want to point out that this doesn’t have to be work or career-related. It could be happening for some other aspect of your purpose.


Those who are meant to be supporting you in this new level will start showing up now. Believe it. And let them support you. 


Let me repeat that, for those uber-independent goddesses in the back…




The message shifted and expanded in that moment, and I saw the Divine Feminine/Divine Masculine dynamic. The message? Divine Feminines, let the Divine Masculines in your life support you now. You are the new leaders of this movement, of this new world.  

This is the Rise of the Goddess, the rise of the feminine, and the Masculines in your world know this! They’re here for this! They’re ready, too. They’ve been preparing, too. This is the time. 


2025 is the RISE. This is really it! This is everything you’ve been preparing for, whether you knew it or not.


The next card was “#43: Midnight Prince: Ask for what you want, and be honest!”


Dang! The Divine Masculine energy is coming through strong! He’s sitting on his throne, and he looks like he’s saying, “Trust me. What do you want? I have also prepared for this, for a lifetime to be ready for this moment!” 

All the puzzle pieces have been found finally, they’re back out and they’re on the kitchen table, ready to go into their perfect places! And the one that fell into the heat vent, we found that one too! 

Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, it’s time to step into this and work together. Acknowledge the avoidance and resistance so it stops being the elephant in the room. Focus on the higher mission. 


This is the part where we work together. We’ve been preparing to create these higher missions together now, in collaboration. Whatever that looks like for each of us. This could be your purpose work or collaborations for many. 


For others, these are romantic connections coming together.


The next card that jumped out was “Rebirth: Fertility, the return of life, health and life cycles!”


YASS QUEEN! You’re safe to allow this rebirth process. You may have been in it for awhile before you realized it, because there was no fanfare and trumpets blaring! It might just have been the realization that nothing is working, remember?  

Think about all the baby animals born in the Spring, the plants sprouting, the flowers blooming, it’s a time of REBIRTH! It will be interesting to find out what Puxatawny Phil says about all this, but I’m seeing new life popping up everywhere.


It may be toward the end of the month before you see the growth, just trust that it’s happening. Use discernment around sharing your ideas only with those who have your best interest at heart.


I switched to my Starseed Oracle deck for this pull, and got “Energetic Sovereignty: absorbing what’s not your, empathic starseed.”


It’s important to let go of the things, situations and people that are not coming with you to this next level. I’ve been asking the Universe since Christmas, “Show me who’s coming with me on this higher timeline,” and it has delivered. Feel free to use that one, or these affirmations for your own clarity:


“Those who are meant to be in my life always show up in their highest expression.”


“I am on the highest timeline.”


Be aware of anyone who tries to pull you back onto a lower timeline, that is why these affirmations help. 


Come up with your own affirmations that feel good, and get you into that energy of acceptance vs avoidance. Some you thought were always going to be there may not be, though they could return in the future. But you’ll notice people popping up to match your frequency now, even some you didn’t think were going to, and it will be magical! February is about getting good with all of it.


Remember, it’s all Divine. It’s all perfect. Everyone’s fine, no one needs to be saved or fixed because nothing is broken. Just be sure to maintain your own energetic sovereignty and hold that newborn baby close for now.


The next card was “Messenger: Sirius energy, bringing harmony and balance”


Are you a messenger? Did you come here to share something important for humanity to evolve? How are you sharing it? Are you a writer, a speaker, a YouTuber? You’ve likely already been sharing your story on a deeper level, and on more platforms, even if it’s just telling a stranger in an elevator. The point is, you HAVE been preparing for this. 

Next card, please, Universe. “Star Keeper: Cosmic ancestors: stay in the light by staying grounded.”


I love this! Clear your field OFTEN, daily throughout this month, so that you can bring through this next beautiful level as your highest expression. You’ve got your cosmic ancestors with you, they’re helping you stay grounded and protecting you.


I was on a roll, so I pulled another. “Activated Earth: power plays, ley lines, trust where you’re led.”


Travel could be coming up for many of you as part of this shift into your higher mission. Perhaps you meant to travel a lot for your purpose, or will you need to travel to certain places to receive codes from the planet that will fully activate your mission with you.


This is big stuff! You’re being shown the whole next level of your mission this month! 


It has been woven for you, BY YOU (the bigger you, your God-Self) and you weren’t ready to see it until now. 


So many things are going to make sense now, as you look back, and that will be so healing for many of you, too. Whenever you’ve asked, “Why did it have to happen like that?” you’ll see the reasons now, if you’re meant to. 

February is highlighting Divine Timing for our limited human selves, anchoring in that trust and acceptance, and helping us move through the stagnant avoidance energy.


Now is the Rise of the Goddess and the feminine rise in leadership, think of empress energy. The collaboration between the DFs and DMs, because BOTH have been diligently doing their own work. Thank goddess!


The last card was from my Mystique of the Magdalene deck, and it was, “#10: Rosa Gallica: sensuality and secrets!” 

You can’t make this stuff up! This is so interesting, too, because there’s a lot going on with Venus right now that confirms all of these messages. Venus governs sensuality, love, luxury, beauty, and harmony. And there happens to be SEVEN planets in alignment right now! It’s a planet parade! 

It’s about REVEALING, not only this higher mission coming through, but the fact that it’s coming through the softness of the Divine Feminine. What comes to you when you think of the word “mission?”


Are you like me, and you immediately visualize a man on a horse with a sword charging in? This is an energy of the past way of doing things, forcing and pushing. Your mission is coming through this Venus energy of beauty, harmony, love…FLOW, essentially. 

It’s feminine leadership with softness and grace, not to be confused with weakness. Not at all. And it’s not an over-masculinized woman stepping into leadership roles, it’s a woman who has gone through her healing, and walked through the valley of the shadow of DEATH to receive the secrets of the Divine Feminine, the secrets of the Cosmos.


There’s a READINESS here, a rose in full bloom. The rose is in its prime, the woman on the card is in her prime, this is her moment.


This is the moment of the Goddess Rising, and those who are there in support of this, those Divine Masculines who are rising up to support and collaborate with the feminine. Your calling is HERE.


I am beyond honored to be able to share these messages with you. I wish you the most incredible February. Please let me know how this resonates for you, and what big things you’re bringing through! What puzzle pieces were you waiting for?


Let me know!


As we sink into February’s energy, let’s embrace the rebirth process with excitement and a pinch of “oh my gosh the puzzle is falling into place” trust. Everything unfolding is guiding you onto this higher timeline of expanded mission and purpose. 


Sure, you might feel a bit resistant about it—maybe binge-cleaning your junk drawer or reorganizing your socks—but that’s just destiny knocking (and it’s not going to stop until you answer).


If this message resonates with you, and you’re ready to kick resistance to the curb (with love, of course), I’d love to invite you to The Goddess Society: Open House!


Here’s what’s waiting for you on January 30th at 5:30 MST on Zoom:

DNA Upgrade Activation – A guided meditation to unlock your innate ability for reverse aging, restore vitality, and align with your divine blueprint.

Sacred Sisterhood – Connect with like-minded women who just get it—no judgment, just support, laughs, and shared awakening.

A Taste of The Goddess Society Membership – Experience the magic of being part of a sanctuary for women rising together into their highest purpose and divine feminine power.

This transformational 2-hour event is your chance to feel inspired, radiant, and deeply connected with a sisterhood of like-minded goddesses.


All of this FREE (Value: $222—talk about abundance!)


Reserve your spot now by registering here: 


It’s time to reclaim your divine radiance, stop playing small, and fully step into the badass goddess that you are!


All the best to you in February,


Angie Kay


Bestselling Author of Creation Codes Rise of the Goddess   | Law of Attraction Coach | Divine Feminine Embodiment Activator | Holographic Sound Master | Intuitive Gifts Trainer


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