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Hey Gorgeous!

We see you. You are a powerful and talented woman.

Your presence in the world elevates people and profoundly changes lives.

 You have gone into the depths of your own wounds and healed deep layers within your being. Yet, you want to experience the next level of wealth and abundance that you know is possible for you.


You wonder what it will take to move through to your next level of abundance.   We understand you may feel frustration, uncertainty, lack of clarity and like no matter the level of money you have you are on a hamster wheel.


We are excited to share this deep dive, grounded experience with you to bring you home to you.  We are going to help you connect to the higher levels of yourself to find all your own answers within. 

It's your time...


 Join Keri and Angie for

Wealthy Priestess - Wealth Code Upgrade & Activation Retreat 

Mount Shasta, CA July 24-28

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"With every frequency angie channeled I could feel my chakras opening.
I felt my root chakra burst open. I immediately felt lighter and knew I had experienced a very deep healing."

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You know what you offer the world is priceless, in simply being you.


You know you are meant for fabulous wealth and abundance and you are ready to

shift your wealth consciousness, hold wealth and allow yourself to receive even more of everything that you desire.


You know you have blocks and resistance around receiving and holding money.


Not to mention, you might be experiencing deep fears around having even more money and wealth and that keeps you from fully owning your value ...


You know there’s so much more wealth and abundance available

to you and you are ready to claim it!


This is the experience where Keri and Angie will assist you to activate your Wealth Codes so you can enjoy the freedom and flow you have dreamt about!


It's time to release any frustration, lack of clarity and uncertainty that is preventing you from experiencing all your desires becoming your reality. 


It’s time to fully embrace the Wealthy YOU!

When you join us, you will:

  • Enjoy a beautiful retreat setting in Mount Shasta, CA

  • Experience profound healing, deep relaxation, rejuvenation and soul connection with a group of soul sisters

  • Experience blissful holographic sound healings with crystal bowls 

  • Energy healing to balance and raise your vibration

  • Shift your wealth consciousness with Akashic Records Journeys

  • Life assessment to receive clarity around where you are right now you would like to go

  •  Intention setting processes to create a clear   vision

  •  Step into a higher level of self-worth

Expansion includes:

  • Get honest with yourself about what you truly desire 

  • Breakthrough the major barriers to allowing yourself to receive financial wealth

  • Release the fear that keeps you in lack and scarcity cycles

  • Redefine what wealth means to you

  • Heal your family money wounds

  • Heal and expand your root chakra to allow greater peace and a flow of abundance

  • Receive powerful wealth code upgrades and  activations 

  • Other surprises!

Image by Benjamin Voros

Keri Testimonial....

This retreat is for you if...

  • You are craving rest and rejuvenation surrounded by a stunning landscape​

  • You are ready to expand into your wealth consciousness

  • You know you have resistance and blocks to receiving money and holding wealth

  • You know your work is priceless, but you don't always ask for what you are worth

  • Past financial disappointments have caused you to doubt yourself

  • You have deep fears around stepping into your full potential 

  • You desire more flow, abundance, ease, pleasure and financial freedom 

  • You are ready, and you know it’s time to embrace the wealthy priestess 

Image by Nathan Dumlao

Wealthy Priestess Retreat 2023

Image by Levi Guzman

what's included?


  • ​Gorgeous retreat space for relaxation and gatherings set in Mount Shasta, CA

  • Blissful holographic sound healing to balance your energetic field and release what no longer serves you

  • Akashic Records Journeys

  • Wealth Codes Activations

  • Pluto's cave journey 

  • Creative projects

  • Powerful intention setting processes

  • Energy healings to balance your system and raise your vibration

  • Time for meditation, community and connection

  • Snacks, beverages and two dinners


retreat schedule...

  • Monday

  • Tuesday

  • Wenesday

  • Thursday

  • Friday

not included...


  • Transportation to and from Mount Shasta​

  • Some meals



  • ​Gorgeous retreat space for relaxation and gatherings set in Mount Shasta, CA

  • Blissful holographic sound healing to balance your energetic field and release what no longer serves you

  • Akashic Records Journeys

  • Wealth Codes Activations

  • Pluto's cave journey 

  • Creative projects

  • Powerful intention setting processes

  • Energy healings to balance your system and raise your vibration

  • Time for meditation, community and connection

  • Snacks, beverages and two dinners

bonus: wealth codes program ($2,222 value!)

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Wealthy Priestess Retreat

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early bird 


(After 4/1/23)


Cancellation policy: Participant cancellations will not be eligible for a refund. The registrant has the option of (1) substituting another person to attend, or (2) apply the credit balance toward a course, retreat or service within the following 30 days. Service credit will not be available to registrants who do not give advance notice of cancellation and who do not show up at the event. In the event Sacred Sisters LLC and Angie Kay Soul Led Living LLC must cancel the retreat due to unforeseen circumstances, the cost of your retreat registration fee ($397 or $497) will be refunded. Examples of such circumstances can include, but are not limited to, inclement weather or other natural disasters, site unavailability, and presenter absence.

"Angie always attracts beautiful souls into her courses, so not only will you enjoy the meetings, you will also be a part of amazing heart centered people. Everyone cheers each other on."

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About Angie Kay

In 2015 Angie Kraft-Meldahl found herself in a full blown crisis of meaning where she began re-evaluating everything in her life. She had spent 17 years in the corporate world and suddenly she craved a dramatically different path, one with deep meaning and purpose.  At that point she started to search for the direction she was desiring. Her life began to transform with deeper meaning as she began her journey of self-discovery with the tools of Life Purpose Hand Analysis and the Akashic records and Holographic Sound Healing.


Now Angie is passionate about helping women who know there is so much more for them, but they are feeling frustrated with their lives or stuck in the same repeating cycles.  She helps women who are searching for deeper meaning begin down their joyful path of following to their soul calling and free themselves of the fear and resistance that is holding them back.


Angie is a  Certified Law of Attraction Coach, Certified Intuitive Coach, Certified Holographic Sound Healer and Certified Life Purpose Hand Analyst.  She is also an intuitive who uses the Akashic Records, Energy Medicine and Reiki in her work.

About Keri Norley

Keri Bio

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Image by Aperture Vintage

welcome, wealthy priestess!

Image by Engin Yapici

keri testimonial

Angie Kay Soul-Led Living 

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Angie Kay's Privacy Policy: We respect your privacy. When you sign up for the free gift, courses, blog or email list, your email address will never be shared with anyone. The information collected for the free gift contains your email address and name, which is housed in the Wix Website system. You can opt-out from any of the emails at the bottom of the email at any time.


Site member Terms and Conditions.

Created by Angie Kay Soul Led Living, LLC
Copyright 2024 Angie Kay Kraft-Meldahl
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